
♥ Expression ♥

wohooo holiday is coming!
anyway Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrates yaa.. (:
hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas..
and happy holidaaaaaay!



Well, I've waited for this Year Book.. 
And yippee, finally it's done..
 Really appreciate it.. (:
When I get the book into my hand, I really excited and cant wait to see the contents. 
So, I directly opened the black cover and  read it, see the silly photos and the funny articles.
I feel Fatamorgana and miss High School damn much!
That was one of the cutest moment in my whole life I guess..:p

 And here, some of the photos!!!!! 


Tic Toc

Final test is in sight!!!
wooow! Time goes so fast! I feel like I need xtra time,
I mean more than 24hours/day..
Sometimes I wish I could get a time machine like Doraemon's do.. I have entered college for a semester..
It means I've been here (college) for approximately 6 months.. Just going to share, somehow I feel so sick of accounting, I feel loathe with math or it can be said that I hate college (sometimes).
But, hellooow!! I've to wake up!
I've been choose this way (accounting major) so I have to survive here until I got my economic degree.
At least my name becomes longer -> "Jennie Aprilla, SE" LOL
But behind all the boredom, Thanks God I have such a really great friends that colours my day! Especially "YOU", always supporting and makes me forget with all the tedium.. :*



Huaaa, I'm totally a bad blogger.. hahaha
It has been 2 months didn't share here.. sorry for that.. (:
well, I have been in Uni for about 3 weeks,
and on 3-5 Sept I went to Cibodas to attend some camp for the Uni Organization.. And now I'm officially BEM FE's crew! Proud of it.. (:
gonna share some pictures that has been taken a month ago.. hihi

Taken by: Andreas.wb
Make up by: Eva Montana



Just be honest, I felt happy wore this kebaya eventhough i felt a bit uncomfort when I walk..hahaa.. But, i've waited this moment since we (Kemurnian, class of 2010) were know that we 100% pass.. And today, 27 Mei 2010 will be the last moment for us after the three years long we have been together in High School.. Know and meet you each other are the happiest thing in my life that I won't be forget, Friends.. Maybe some of us didn't close to each other, but today I felt this Graduation Day made our friendship closer.. Moreover all of you looked awesome.. And i bet i'm gonna miss you guys.. love yaaa


Plopherz photoshoot

First of all, I want to say thanks to Plopherz for the chance of being your model..
I was surprised when Plopherz told me that I could be their model.. :)
well, i used to buy clothes in Plopherz but I never imagine that I could be photographed by them.. and one words I can say when I was being photographed

this is some of the photos

*For more info visit http://www.facebook.com/plopherz


the moment

26 April 2010 : hari in bener2 deg2an bangeet.. pengumuman kelulusan bakal diumumin jem 10, tpi mau dteng lebih pagi karena mo ad rapat perpisahan buat besok ke yogya.. udah dtng na rada telat (gara2 gk dibangunin..hahaha) jadi sampe skola lngsng rapat.. wktu rapat juga udah campur aduk rasa na takut nungguin jem 10.. trus akhirnya, stlah beberapa menit kemudian dipanggil sruh ngumpul di balai.. muka guru2 udah suram bgt (berharap in cuma akting) diceramahin dulu, lama bgt ditakut2in klo taun in byk skola2 yg gk lulus.. sempet sedih jg ngedenger wali kelas yg ngomong smbil nangis2 (msih berharap klo ini jga hanya sekedar akting) udah jem 10.30 an bru dibagiin amplop kelulusan.. sedikit lega soal na gw dapet amplop (hihi).. dan ternyata KEMURNIAN LULUS 100%.. aaaahh, senangnyaaaaa.. trus lngsng pada teriak2 dan foto2 bareng.. :)

27-30 April 2010 : yuhuuuuu, abis pengumuman lngsng perpisahan ke Solo-Yogya.. jujur sebagai panitia gw takut klo perpisahan na gk berhasil, tpi yaaa, jalanin aj..hahaa
well, i had so much fun kok.. i'll always keep the moment where we all had fun together (sampe ditegor satpam hotel gara2 berisik), also when the Stary Prom Nite when all looked so beautiful with their dress.. a lil'bit stress with some problem we had, but really, i felt like i didn't want to end the night, when the tears fell a lot, when we were holding hands, laugh and dance together.. love yaa, FRIENDS!


Prom Nite

The Crew.. :)



happy birthday to me! hahahaai

yuhuuuu thanks God, i've seen the world for 18 years.. :))

thank you so much yaaa for all the birthday greeting, and especially to bestiest

(lennie ♥vannie ♥sannie ♥marvi) thank you for the cake and surprise, also for the gift.. :D

make a wish

thank you ladies! :)

love yaaa


comme un modèle :)

ponk jennie nori cindy


♥ having fun with bestiest ♥

yuhuuu, for the christmas holiday, i spent it with my lovely friends at Bandung.. Seruuuuu!!! pengeeen lagi..hehe
and this some of our pictures :)

Having dinner @ kampung daun

Secret F.O


Rumah Mode.. :)


NEW 2010!

well, it's 2010 and 2009 has just over..
honestly, its an unforgetable year with so many incident..
there are happiness but also tears on it..
but, lets pick the possitive side from the negative side for every problems and learnt from it, because i truely believe experiences are the best teacher for our lifes..
and i also believe that GOD has managed our lifes..
learnt from the memories and move on, because it's a
but OLD DREAMS.. hahaa..
Happy New Year all, wish a better YEAR, better ME, better LIFES! :)